
Back to School Tips for the Science Teacher

First days of school tips for the science teacher

    First-year and even veteran science teachers stress out in the weeks leading up the back to school season. When getting ready for the first day of school, there are many things to consider. First is your classroom, where you want to create a safe, warm environment for your students to feel comfortable, but there are so many other aspects probably more important to consider. Classroom management, what will you do on the first day of school? Which classroom supplies will you need? These are all questions that can keep us up worrying about how to get it all done. Don’t worry, teacher friends; here are some back to school science tips to help you get started in your classroom. 

Let’s share what works to help navigate and make this back to school season successful.

While classroom décor is undoubtedly not THE most important part of getting ready for the school year, it should play a role. Students don’t need much, but I believe that you need to put in some effort to make your classroom look like a place where your students will be comfortable and show that YOU want to be there. Learn more about how I decorate my classroom with a purpose here

Once your science classroom is ready, you need to think about the supplies you’ll need throughout the school year

As science teachers, we have the ability to bring some fun into the classroom during lab activities, demonstrations, and projects. You’ll want to be prepared for your students and have everything at your fingertips.

Sometimes this can be overwhelming, and I know I always forget something… So check out these back to school needs for your supply list here

Hands down, classroom management, is the foundation of your teaching. If you don’t have failproof classroom management strategies, you will encounter many problems throughout the school year.

It is true that students can sense fear, and they will try to take advantage. After teaching for 15 years, read through some of the tips that help me keep my sanity

Science Teacher Tip #4: Classroom Rewards

Part of your classroom management system may include rewards for positive behaviors.

Positive behavior systems can help to increase:

  • social skills
  • classroom community
  • Reduce discipline referrals
  • Increase instructional time
  • Increase student engagement

Integrating a positive behavior system in your classroom doesn’t have to be expensive. As teachers, we often spend a lot of money out of pocket, so learn how to introduce free or low-cost student rewards in your classroom.   

Yes, you can have classroom jobs in your science classroom.
It might not be for everyone, but it could be an excellent way to maintain control of your classroom and teach students how to be responsible. If you are interested in trying this in your classroom, read on to learn about some of the jobs you can implement in the science classroom.


implementing classroom jobs in your science classroom

Building relationships with your students is just as important as having control in your classroom. Many times through creating a classroom community of relationships, you will notice that classroom management isn’t an issue for you. Here are some tips to build a relationship with students this school year.  

So now you know how to start your school year off on the right foot before students arrive. But what will you do with them once they are in your classroom?

Here are five icebreaker activities you can choose to use on the first day of school.

These are great ways to get to know and build relationships with your students.

I hope sharing what I have learned throughout my career is helpful to you. Is there anything I missed? Is there something that you do differently that works for you? Let me know in the comments below. I love hearing from my readers!

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